Autoimmune and Food Allergen Testing

Autoimmune and Food Allergen Testing

One out of twelve people have an autoimmune issue, many are diet/allergy related.

Autoimmune diseases are being diagnosed with alarming frequency  today. In fact, one out of twelve people have an autoimmune issue. Often, these people are allergic and/or sensitive to the foods that they have been eating! This sensitivity causes the gut to become inflamed and, as 70% of the immune system is located in the gut, the patient is more at risk for autoimmune diseases (like Lupus, Irritable Bowel Disease, Crohn’s etc).

Make your appointment for the important blood tests to determine if you are at risk for autoimmune disease because of the foods that you have been choosing !

  • Relaxation and Recovery

  • Rehabilitation Medicine

  • Natural Anti-inflamatories

  • Gluten and Food Allergies