What is intravenous therapy for Skin Brightening?
Intravenous therapy for skin brightening is a breakthrough in brightening and cell defense: A combination of powerful antioxidants such as glutathione delivered with vitamins, minerals, and fluids hydrate the skin and reduce melanin production. After a series of treatments, a lighter fairer skin tone may result. Glutathione is an extremely effective antioxidant comprised of three essential amino acids. It plays a major role in helping your liver detoxify harmful chemicals by binding to the toxins, facilitating their easy elimination. The body produces glutathione naturally, and research has shown a healthy intake of Vitamin C boosts its production. If glutathione levels are normal, the body’s ability to fight neurological disorders like Parkinson’s disease is strong. If Glutathione levels are low, you are susceptible to a revolving door of conditions.
What if I am healthy, can I still use IV Vitamin Therapy?
Yes, prevention is the key. IV Vitamin Therapy will aid in maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Most of us are exposed daily to numerous toxins, so IV therapy will help keep our circulatory system clean, which in turn will prevent many common conditions like arteriosclerosis, joint disease, and some cancers. By doing this, we are helping the body get rid of substances that would normally not know how to “digest” or “break down.”
Why is Glutathione intravenous infusions better than oral supplementation for Skin Brightening?
The only downside to glutathione supplementation is that when taken orally, the gastrointestinal system breaks much of the glutathione down into its 3 component amino acids before it can be absorbed into the system. This means that you must take much more glutathione than the effective dose to make sure that you are getting a sufficient amount into the system. This is where IV Glutathione supplementation comes into play. By taking glutathione intravenously, it is possible to get the supplement directly into the body in its original form, bypassing any of the degrading processes associated with oral supplementation. For skin brightening, this would seem to be the only reasonable method. Attempting to take a sufficient amount of glutathione for skin Brightening through oral supplementation is wasteful and may be ineffective due to the breakdown of the digestive system.
How is Glutathione Used for Skin Lightening?
Skin color is determined by the production of melanin, which is produced by melanocytes in the bottom layer of the epidermis. Increased melanin in the body means the darker the skin will be.
As a result, it lightens and evens the skin tone. Glutathione can also be used in combination with Vitamin C as an even more potent formulation that slows the rate of free radicals that damage collagen and cause skin dryness, fine lines and wrinkles. This powerful combination deposits evenly throughout the body when given via IV to eradicate oxidative damaged cells (which cause skin to darken) and lighten the skin naturally, safely, & evenly.
Benefits include:
- Whiter Skin
- Removal of skin blemishes (Scars, pigmentation, uneven skin tones)
- Production of collagen to enhance elasticity
- Eradication of acne, blemishes and pimples
- Enhanced immunity
- Improved energy and reduced fatigue
- Improved quality & texture of skin
- Enhanced radiance, glowing, and moisturized skin
- Reduction of fine lines and wrinkles
How often should one have an IV glutathione Skin Brightening Therapy?
For skin brightening, it is recommended to undergo IV infusions twice a week for two to three months in order to get the full benefit. After this period, infusions can be done weekly until you reach the desired skin tone and results. Shortly after, one session every month to maintain the results they achieved. Intravenous Glutathione Skin Lightening Treatment can lighten your skin evenly. Glutathione is administered via IV and is able to deposit evenly throughout the body. Glutathione will swop up the oxidative damaged cells (which cause skin to darken) and lighten your skin naturally, safely, evenly and in a healthy manner.
What is Glutathione?
Glutathione is a very powerful anti-oxidant. It rids the body of free radicals, toxins and oxidants. Aside from the skin lightening/whitening capabilities of glutathione, glutathione also assists with detoxification pathways of the liver, and prevents oxidative damage.